Thursday, December 4, 2014

Turning Toward the Light

by Rita Zyber on Thursday of the First Week of Advent

Dark at 5 o’clock. Already cold and snowy. Advent is definitely a time of waiting in the dark. And even though the mall has been decked and lit for weeks, in our hearts, we know it is not yet time. We remain peaceful and hopeful as we light only one small candle on the Advent wreath each week.

My daughters always loved the Advent wreath tradition. The anticipation builds each week and when you get to the rosy glow of the pink candle, you finally know that Christmas is getting close.

Years ago, we sang an Advent hymn with powerful words. “God of all power, you kindle the sun. Spark in your people a season of light.” That strong image of light is also found in our Advent readings. Isaiah tells us, “the people in darkness have seen a great light.” John assures us that the light is so powerful, the darkness will never “overcome” it.

In the bleakness of our Advent world, we need a spark, a tiny ember of heat and light. With great hope, we turn toward the light, like tiny flowers that bend their stems toward the sun.

And just as we turn, we know that God is there. He’s always been there, just waiting for us to step out of the darkness and into the warm, comforting light of his loving embrace.

Reflection Questions:

Have you ever felt that you were in a place of darkness (away from God) in your life?

Who or what helped you move back toward the light, back toward the comfort of God’s warm embrace?

-Rita Zyber serves as the RCIA Assistant/Coordinator at St. Mary Student Parish.

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