Thursday, December 25, 2014

Savor the Story

by Fr. Ben Hawley, SJ on The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)

What is it about Christmas tree lights, candles, a fire in a fireplace at this time of year? Especially when there is snow on the trees and bushes? For me they represent an invitation beyond friends and family, beyond gifts given and received, beyond visits made and meals eaten.  They represent an invitation into silence, into personal reflection, into that which is beyond words and thoughts, except possibly the words of the Story that tell us the origin and source of this time of year.

Like the prophet Elijah who found God as the still, small voice, we find ourselves invited to find God as the still, small Child whose presence and person are better intuited than understood.  To find a deeper sense of the mystery of life, the gratitude for who one is more than what one has, and the inspiration to move forward – all these come in the silence, often the relief that the silence offers.

For me today the silence comes amidst the boxes, tape, and packing materials not of gifts received but of moving boxes opened and contents distributed around my new room. We Jesuits are now finally all in our new house with all our things moved. And with the resulting confusion: “Where did I pack that?” ”Why did I bring this along?”  “These boxes aren’t mine.”  It is all very exciting and very unsettling all at once. I see that my room has a pristine look with just the basic furniture, all the books, papers, framed things, gifts from times past remaining in their boxes. “Why can’t it always be like this?” I think. The answer is that life isn’t always pristine. So, now what?

The Now What? is the silence of the first night in my new room in this Advent Season now becoming the Christmas Season. In the silence I can feel the reality of the Child being born yet again as companion to my own inner child that gives my grown up child meaning and value – and above all peace.  Soon enough I will be at the parish to preside at the Christmas Eucharist. But now all is silent and at peace.  And I can be at peace because the Child is born – in me, in you, in everyone and everywhere. The invitation is to stop and savor the silence in the presence of the tree with its lights, and the candles – and the Story.

May we all find that peace in that Story this Christmas Day and in this Christmas Season.

-Fr. Ben Hawley, SJ is the pastor of St. Mary Student Parish.

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