Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Celebrate a Merry Little Christmas

by Rachel Connor on Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Advent (Christmas Eve)

While my grandfather was alive, my family used to invite him over for dinner on Christmas Eve. We’d clean the house until it was sparking, set out the really nice dishes, and prepare a meal of oyster stew that my younger self thought looked better than it tasted. I always looked forward to these evenings for two reasons: because my parents would give me a glass of wine with dinner, and because I really liked spending time with my grandfather.

See, I have a really big family. My dad is the oldest of nine, and my mom is one of seven children. Holiday get-togethers with the family are loud and overcrowded, and more than a little chaotic. There are always five different conversations going on at once and you never get to hear all of what is going on in anyone’s life.

Christmas Eve dinners were different. We could hear each other speak without yelling and we could be really intentional about appreciating each other’s presence. It’s common for us to hear that an important part of Christmas is family, but I think what that sentiment is really getting at is that relationships are important to us, and Christmas is a time when we are reminded of that. Not only are we reminded of our relationships with others, but we are reminded of our relationship with Christ.

So this Christmas, amidst the running around and opening presents and visiting relatives, remember to take some time to sit down with one or two people and just be together, celebrating a merry little Christmas.

Questions for Reflection:

What holiday traditions do you share with your family and how do they help you grow in relationship with Christ and others? 
What tradition could you add this season that would allow you to connect more deeply with people?

-Rachel Connor is a Peer Minister at St. Mary Student Parish.

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