Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Spiritual Grandparents

This angel that we put on top of our Christmas tree each year was given to me by my great aunts on my mother’s side, Helen and Gert.  As a child I treasured my annual visits with Helen and Gert in Sun City, Arizona.  These amazing women were born in the early 20th century and never married or had children of their own.  Their relationship with my mother took on a more significant role when their sister Catherine, my grandmother, died while my mom and her sisters were in their teens.  Helen and Gert were like grandmothers to me and generously shared their love and faith with me throughout my childhood.  Interwoven between our meals, card games, and attending mass I learned the importance of living my faith both in the church and in the world. Their steady example of having both a personal prayer life and an active life in the faith community continues to shape my own understanding of discipleship.   

As I read the geneology of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel today, I think about all of the holy men and women who have come before us in faith.  I also think about Mary and Joseph’s parents and the role they played in laying a foundation of faith in these two young people.  I suspect it was a strong foundation of faith that allowed them to say yes to God even in the face of a challenging situation. 

Today, I pause to think about how my own response to Christ is partially rooted in the lives of my spiritual ancestors.  I pause in gratitude for all of the holy women and men who have directly or indirectly nourished my faith life.  I pray for the strength to be a strong witness of faith to those I serve at home and those I serve in my ministry.  

Questions for Reflection and Suggestion for Prayer: 
Who has been a spiritual grandparent or mentor in your life?  How did their actions or words influence your understanding of Christ and your faith?  
As you remember a spiritual grandparent or mentor say a prayer for their life in Christ.

-Karen Thomas is the Campus Minister for Family Faith Formation at St. Mary Student Parish.

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